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digital marketing florida - Emerald Studio

Learn the most commonly used terms in digital marketing

Marketing digital Emerald Studio Credits: Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/app-blur-business-close-up-270669/

Do you want to know which terms are most commonly used in digital marketing? In this article, we present to you the most commonly used terms in the field of digital marketing, along with their definitions so that you can understand them better. Whether you are a beginner or a professional in digital marketing, this article will help you deepen your knowledge in the world of digital marketing and keep up with the latest advancements. Learn the Most Commonly Used Terms in Digital Marketing! 

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The importance of digital presence for new businesses

La importancia de la presencia digital para las nuevas empresas

Today, having a strong online presence is almost a necessity for the growth of a new business. The COVID crisis and its many quarantines has birthed the need to rethink the traditional business model. The way companies have always operated is no longer good enough in the world's current context, so much has been revealed in 2020.

Many new entrepreneurs will make the simple choice of not investing any time or resources building a digital presence, and will prioritize other endeavors. Surely, a great online presence will come at a price, but, in the long run, it will never compare to the cost of its absence. 

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